Finished my first project, looking to my next one...

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Finished my first project, looking to my next one...

Post by Pumpkinbot » Tue Aug 06, 2019 11:10 pm

Heya! New user here. I just finished up my GameBoy Macro a few days ago. Good news, it works like a charm, and I didn't lose any pieces as I usually do. Bad news, I screwed up the ribbon cable trying to cram it into the lower half, and don't have a soldering gun to put in a speaker. Ah, well.

For my next project, I was wanting to start using different things for cases. Not quite Frankencasing, but, say, using something like an old toy or an Altoids tin as the shell for my project. One idea that crossed my mind was absolutely crazy, but I can't help but want to try it.

I want to make a case out of Pokemon cards.

I have a bunch of bulk cards, and the layout of a card seems perfect for it. First, I'd cut a hole around the art of the card, then layer a bunch of junk cards beneath it with everything but the borders taken out, before finally attaching a (removeable?) bottom card, showing just the card back. The screen could go where the art is, the d-pad and whatever buttons would just go where the attacks would be, and the start and select buttons could go in the weakness and resistance fields.

Only thing is, a) I'd have to use something to keep the outside safe and maybe even keep the inside fireproof, b) I'm not sure what I should put in there that fits (GameBoy Pocket?), and c) I can't find any guides online for making jury-rigged cases like this.

Thoughts? Or would it be easier to make my own case from something else? I could put my GameBoy Macro in a new case. I had an idea of a rough, industrial design, with a rough metal outer casing, screw heads as the A and B buttons, nuts along the side for the volume, etc. I'd have to make sure the case is rubberized on the inside to prevent shorting, but that's nothing a bit of FlexSeal(TM) can't fix, right?

Anyway, what're your guys' thoughts? I'm just rambling. Am I already aiming too high?

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Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:32 pm

Re: Finished my first project, looking to my next one...

Post by Griiffin » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:56 pm

Seems interesting to me!

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