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Adjusting screen size (projection) for dmg-01

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:06 pm
by SL4600
Hi Guys,

I got a Circuit Sword Lite during the latest run and so far I love it.
I've installed the software provided by Kite and everything is running great but I want to change the screen size.
The screen is 320x240px but that's way to big for the original dmg-01 screen size and I would prefer to keep the original front and not a bigger cut out.
I've tried to fix it with the overscan options which kind of fixes it for the menu but the games are now even smaller because they would normally be smaller than the 320x240px.

Is there an easy way so I can set the "projection" area? Which will work for the menu of retro pi and the games itself?
Can't imagine I'm the first that want's it like this.

Thanks for the help guys!