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Turning OFF save states?? Metroid insanity

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 8:51 am
by gizmo
I finally got round to playing Super Metroid last night but encountered a super annoying function of retroarch's hotkeys. Save state functions seem to be bound to Select + Left Trigger or a configuration similar. As I was playing the game, I accidentally pushed a combination which loaded a save state! I didn't even know I'd made one either!? I don't use save states, only in game ones. Needless to say I lost about 2 hours play time which was.... frustrating to say the least! Anyone who knows Metroid will know that pressing Select (which toggles weapons) and a Trigger (which angles your aim) is a prerequisite.

I've since been able to find out that I can turn off the entire save state function by editing the retroarch-joypads cfg file. However, when I try to access it (wirelessly via my pc) I'm told it's not accessible?
You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Directory name is invalid.
Any idea why I've not got permission? I can enter every other folder except that one!? I'm using kite's saio build, could there be anything included in it which might be affecting permission on that folder? Does anyone know how I can give myself permission?

Any advice much appreciated.

Re: Turning OFF save states?? Metroid insanity

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:29 pm
by floppes
I can't help you with the access permission but for the next time you accidentally load/save a state: You can open the RGUI menu and there is an option to undo the load/save.

I sometimes mix up load and save and then this menu is really helpful :)