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Re: Kites circuit sword: psp joystick question

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 1:45 pm
by EriolGaurhoth
Rather than start a new thread, I figured I'd post here since my questions are germane to psp joysticks, namely, I can't seem to get the second one working on my Circuit Sword (pre-order #4).

I soldered up 2 PSP joysticks as pictured previously on this thread, was able to calibrate one successfully (the "right" one, or "joystick 1") but the second one ("left" one/"joystick 2") can't be recognized. I've tried a few things already to troubleshoot it:
- swapped joysticks to see if, perhaps, my soldering was poor on one. Both joysticks work and calibrate fine in the "joystick 1" plug, still neither work in "joystick 2".
- tried calibrating with only joystick 2 plugged in, thinking something might be forbidding 2 joysticks working at the same time. Still didn't work.
- tried calibrating both joysticks at the same time. No dice.
- I've also put a fairly liberal amount of tape on the backs of the joystics as well as pad contacts on the front of the board to ensure nothing shorts.

So here are my questions. Is there something in the code that might be disabling/disallowing 2 joysticks by default? Is there a way to enable some sort of verbose or debugging mode so I can see the status of my connected joysticks? I hope I'm missing something obvious, or I'm afraid I might have a faulty board :/

Re: Kites circuit sword: psp joystick question

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:31 pm
by Zmoneyrecords
Yea it's a typo in the code. Directions to fix in GitHub ... s-not-work

Re: Kites circuit sword: psp joystick question

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2018 4:09 pm
by EriolGaurhoth
Zmoneyrecords wrote:
Wed Mar 28, 2018 3:31 pm
Yea it's a typo in the code. Directions to fix in GitHub ... s-not-work
Thanks a bunch! That did it, all is well. I figured it was something in the code, I didn't want to half to reflash the arduino unless absolutely necessary.

Re: Kites circuit sword: psp joystick question

Posted: Tue May 01, 2018 10:11 pm
by Roller Toaster
Is there a way to update arduino code over ssh? I would prefer not to crack open my build to flip a switch in order to be able to flash arduino over USB (I don't know what position the switches are in at this point, so I'm unsure if the device is treated as an arduino when connected via USB. If I could ssh in and modify the control configuration, that would be really convenient.

Re: Kites circuit sword: psp joystick question

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 8:59 am
by jasongordon
Is there a screen bracket for the circuit sword #5 that supports the larger screen (640x480 HD LCD) and with a PSP joystick ? Also what PSP Joy are people buying? Source?
