VMµ Project Log

Forum thread for discussion: https://sudomod.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5073

A couple things I forgot to mention this in the video:

The way the screen-flipping works is GPIO number 17 on the Pi is connected to one of the VMU connector pins.  The corresponding pin in the controller is connected to ground.  When the VMU turns on, a Python script runs that checks to see whether or not it’s plugged in.  If it is, it updates the screen configuration to rotate the image.  It increases the boot time a little if it needs to rotate it, but it’s nice and simple and works great. 🙂

The base RetroPie image I used is from the mintyPi, so it has HoolyHoo’s shortcut scripts (which I modified a bit for my this project) included for adjusting the volume/brightness (the the “Sleep”/Start button on the VMU is also the function button).

Here’s the RetroPie image:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/nw8fggfvxvxmf1s/vmu.img.zip

Here is the Arduino code used in the controller (a modified version of the code I helped write for Helder’s AIO board): http://www.mediafire.com/file/uul8gd66w2v1hql/DC_Controller.zip

Here’s the STL file for the bracket I made: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0zc9cv2ejh9kvmi/vmu_bracket_microlipo.stl.zip


Parts list:

Screen pinout (pin number 1 is on bottom as shown above):

Screen Label Pi
1 VCC 3.3V
2 VCC 3.3V
3 SDA 10
4 AO 24
5 CS 8
6 SCK 11
8 RST 25
9 LED 13


VMU PCB pins (from left to right as shown above, starting with the 4th from the left)

Label Pi
Sleep 26
Mode 15
B 16
A 20
Right 22
Left 14
Down 5
Up 4
GND (rightmost pin) GND
L (tactile switch) 12
R (tactile switch) 6

DC Controller (“Potato Chip”)

Label Potato Chip Arduino
Up 48 6
Down 49 2
Left 50 3
Right 51 4
A 52 5
B 44 8
X 36 10
Y 35 9
L 64 A2
R 1 A3
Start 47 7
Stick-X 62 A0
Stick-Y 63 A1
5V 34 VCC
GND 2,3,4 GND
Select (tactile switch) N/A 15


wermy Written by: