My custom minty pi

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My custom minty pi

Post by BIOHAZARD_SOFTWORKS » Thu Nov 07, 2019 9:44 am

When I built mine I challenged my self to make it custom so I decided instead of using the already made custom parts I will use a perf board with tactile switches and im pretty happy with the results (Also I used a 1.44 in screen because I only play gba games so I used the vmu script which requires a 1.44 inc screen and I didn't feel like messing with it to make it use a 2.2 inc)
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This is version 2 of my minty pi the first version worked to... kinda
I dont want to talk about the first version check it out if you want

So for the battery I used a drone battery I had wich was 650 mah
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And for the charger I used the alternative board used on the latest minty pi with a 2k resistor
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After I did that I made a custom button board with perf board and tactile switches I connected the ground of each button to eachther and used one ground wire for the entire button face plate (and for the ground of the l and r buttons I connected there grounds together and just hooked it up with the ground of the battery also I used a Non w pi)
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And that dose it for my build I might do another one because something I didn't add is sound so I might make another one with sound and a bigger screen and maybe a full button set
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