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Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 5:39 pm
by dirtybeagles
Tamasco wrote:Exactly. It looks much more easier to connect to the USB port.
Weird, that came standard from when I ordered the powerboost. They give you one in case you want to solder it to the powerboost. I just had two of them handy. I am sure you can order them like that if you just look around.

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:12 pm
by dirtybeagles
Well... I did not see anyway around it but I had to drill some holes in my poor case and I had only one change to not screw up. Because it was such a snug fit with the larger display, I decided to do two screw holes. Turned out pretty well I think.

Being very careful in drilling the holes. Used 1/16th drill bit
[spoiler="Screw Holes"]
IMG_20160707_215557.jpg (1.51 MiB) Viewed 8339 times
Needed to cut some Styrene because the screw brackets are not high enough.
*I needed to use 2 cuts of .060 Thick Styrene. Seemed like the right size after testing a few times. Was a pain in the butt to cut through because the width had to be pretty small.
[spoiler=".060 thick styrene for screw brackets"]
IMG_20160707_222151.jpg (2.14 MiB) Viewed 8339 times
[spoiler="Added some epoxy glue"]
IMG_20160707_225157.jpg (2.41 MiB) Viewed 8339 times
[spoiler="annnnddd Added some MORE epoxy"]
IMG_20160707_225704.jpg (2.12 MiB) Viewed 8339 times
[spoiler="Screwing it together, it worked"]
IMG_20160708_071758.jpg (1.87 MiB) Viewed 8339 times
IMG_20160708_072120.jpg (1.6 MiB) Viewed 8339 times

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:05 pm
by chiz
Great solution, @dirtybeagles!

I noticed however that the cartridge isn't flat against the case due to the screw heads. You may want to use a countersink screw to make the screw head flushed against the GB case.

Btw, have you checked the hottest temperature you got from your GB RPi2?

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:09 pm
by dirtybeagles
chiz wrote:Btw, have you checked the hottest temperature you got from your GB RPi2?
Thanks for the tip.

I am testing it now for the next few days. The powerboost gets hot, but the pi is only warm to the touch from outside. Don't you have a Pi2 build you are working on? What is your experience?

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:24 pm
by chiz
In my GB Pi2, the CPU gets really hot after around 15-20mins of continuous use/gameplay even with the cartridge cover removed. I documented my overheating issues and observations here: Overheating Causing Random Freezes (was Emulation Issues)

When the temperature reaches 60+ degress C, any emulator would freeze and can't go back to EmulationStation.

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 4:15 am
by Tamasco
dirtybeagles wrote:
Tamasco wrote:Exactly. It looks much more easier to connect to the USB port.
Weird, that came standard from when I ordered the powerboost. They give you one in case you want to solder it to the powerboost. I just had two of them handy. I am sure you can order them like that if you just look around.
You are absolutly right. I just check my usb ports, and they are the same. Akward moment haha. I do not know why I thought they were different :lol:

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 5:40 am
by dirtybeagles
chiz wrote: When the temperature reaches 60+ degress C, any emulator would freeze and can't go back to EmulationStation.
Wow. I can say I have not had this kind of problem yet... I played a few games yesterday for 30 minutes and I do not believe mine got that hot, but I am still testing.

FYI: I ordered these. ... PCZ15NRG2V doesn't hurt to put one on there as an extra measure. If I can get my script working I will report back on my temperature readings before and after adding a heat sink.

19 minutes of testing temperature with the wifi dongle attached:

Code: Select all

Temperature Log - Sat  9 Jul 14:07:54 UTC 2016
Will continue to test.

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:09 am
by dirtybeagles
This is the script I used to write the temperature top a file every 60 seconds.

Code: Select all

Setup temperature script at boot:
Note: do not copy the "#" from my commands. It is just an indicater for my notes only. You DO need it for the #!/bin/bash command, but the other ones in this doc do not copy. Just select the text after it. 
1. SSH to raspberry pi

2. Created script: #sudo nano

3. Paste temeprature script to file you created. The logs get saved to /pi/home/logs/ directory of your pi:


timestamp=`date +%F_%H-%M-%S`
echo "Temperature Log - $(date)" >/home/pi/logs/temperature_log_$timestamp.txt
while :
    temp=`/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp`
    echo $temp >>/home/pi/logs/temperature_log_$timestamp.txt
    sleep 60

FYI: Changed sleep from 10 seconds to 60 seconds so it will log every 1 minute (or 60 seconds)

4. #CTRL+O
5. #Enter
6. #CTRL+X
7. Change permissions: #sudo chmod +x
8. Test the script: #./
FYI: I used WINSCP to check the temperature_log_$timestamp.txt to confirm it is writing every minute.
9. Enable script at startup: #sudo nano /etc/rc.local
10. Paste the following before "exit 0"
#( sleep 10; sudo bash /home/pi/ ) &
11. #CTRL+O
12. #Enter
13. #CTRL+X
14. Reboot and confirm script is running and writing at startup: #sudo reboot


Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 10:33 am
by chiz
Thanks for testing and reporting back.

So as not to hijack your thread, I responded to you on the RPi2 overheating thread.

Re: DirtyBeagles Gameboy Pi2

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 3:14 am
by Governor Hippo
not sure if I am right. But on your Button PCB I see you have the PWM -Mod used for getting normal audio from the PWM-outputs of the zero.
I had the same idea. can I somewhere download your Layout (or better not only the gerber file but the whole Eagly project?).
