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SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:16 am
by SirMehr
Welcome to the SudoMod Retail Packaging Project
My goal with this thread is to compile all the packaging designs our members have created. We all are putting in tons of work to create custom devices, and they should have equally unique packaging to display them with. Feel free to post your work in this thread or if you already have your own thread for your project then just drop a link and I will add it to the list.

Console Packaging Cartridge Labels Label Post Thread Cartridge Packaging Flyers and Advertisements Splash Screens

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:39 pm
by D4ddyRazzy
wow just WOW! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:05 pm
by Grimmjow
Great Job!!

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 5:38 pm
by SirMehr

Welcome to my SudoMod Retail Packaging Project
My goal with this project was originally just an idea as to what it would look like if you were to go out and purchase a SudoMod Gameboy right off the store shelves. The more I worked on the project the more I realized that this could become something really amazing. Perfect for showcasing our custom Gameboys or give them that extra bit of style when giving them as gifts.

Current Progress
  1. Packaging Design.....complete
  2. Print progress (Need to finalize top/bottom graphic. Produce more color variations)
  3. Pamphlet and Inserts.....brainstorming the designs
  4. Production run.....undecided (I'm new to this and would have to research what would be required)
  5. Individual be determined (I plan on designing a version that can be printed/cut out of cardboard and created at home. Hopefully we can get this version looking exactly the same)
  6. Advertisements/Fliers.....brainstorming (Nothing like those good old school Gameboy advertisements. Totally wanna put a new spin on the old style for SudoMod)
I am freely sharing all my assets on Dropbox for this community as I create them. (If there is something missing lemme know and I probably just forgot to upload it). If you have the software or the experience then feel free to modify or create your own designs. Would love for you all to post them here to show off. If you have recommendations that I can use in the main design then lemme know and if I agree I'll incorporate that as well. ... fc_ma?dl=0

Cartridge Label and Screen Surround by Dominator

No obligations here... no really I mean it! But yeah if you feel like donating to my cheese and energy drinks fund it's what fuels me. lol that's not weird now is it? ... aNonHosted

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:15 pm
by AustenFM
Very cool! If we end up going the hand made route would it be possible to get the .psd/.ae/.whathaveyou files down the line to further customize the boxart? Being an illustrator myself I'd love to make some custom work for my case~

Great work! Looking forward to more!

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:54 pm
by SirMehr
AustenFM wrote:Very cool! If we end up going the hand made route would it be possible to get the .psd/.ae/.whathaveyou files down the line to further customize the boxart? Being an illustrator myself I'd love to make some custom work for my case~

Great work! Looking forward to more!
Yeah i got no problem sharing the project files for customization once i get the box finalized.

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:37 pm
by SirMehr
Actually, just went ahead and threw the illustrator project file up in the dropbox incase anyone wants to play around with their own designs. Feel free to post what you make up in here to show off. Love to see some variations. If you make changes and link me the illustrator file then I can throw them on the model and give you a rendered box to see how it looks.

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:48 am
by Camble
Oh yes, I really like this!

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 8:09 am
by KaiKona808
Wow! Very impressive. I would definitely like to have something custom once I finish my GBZ.

Re: SudoMod Retail Packaging

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:07 am
by SirMehr
Alright, got the tray insert shaped to match the Gameboy.
