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How to the secure screw posts ?

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 4:50 am
by jackyjoy123

Right now I am trying to secure the screw posts on top of the LCD screen and need some advice on what to use. I have used hot glue on my other GBZ and the post's spin after a little, so im looking for a better solution. I unfortunately can't use wermy's 3d printed screw bracket since the driver board for my screen is in the way. I've tried an epoxy like glue and it seemed to work, I just couldn't get the screw holes and post's lined up. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do?

Re: How to the secure screw posts ?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:12 pm
by AdamG
This reply may be a little late to help you, but in any event, this should at least help someone else that has the same problem.

You said the hot glue wasn't working great for you, so let's stick with (pun intended) the epoxy.

1. Take your loose screw posts and screw them to the back half of your shell. Don't need the screws super tight here, just snug enough to keep the posts from wobbling around.

2. Place the back shell onto the front shell and see if there's any fitment issues. You may have to grind/sand down the posts if they're too tall or hitting something. It may be wise to mark the posts with a pencil, remove the screws, do your sanding, then put them back on the rear shell. Sanding away at the posts while they're still screwed on may put undo stress on the screws or the rear shell.
Make these adjustments until the two halves of your shell fit together nicely.

3. With the posts still attached to the rear shell, blob some epoxy on them and put the two shells together again. You'll probably want the front shell face down on your desk, and just plop the rear shell down into place.

4. Wait for the epoxy to dry. When it's done, take out the screws and now the posts are exactly where you need them!

Hope that helps!