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[SOLVED] How To force composite output everywhere ?

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 4:45 am
by Al3x360

I'm building a GBZ and I installed recallbox 4.1 on the card everything boots and is OK on the LCD : I commented everything that deals with "hdmi_" on the config file but when I try to run a game it goes on the HDMI everytime, did I miss something?

Re: How To force composite output everywhere ?

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 7:56 am
by VeteranGamer
Al3x360 wrote:
Sat Oct 14, 2017 4:45 am

I'm building a GBZ and I installed recallbox 4.1 on the card everything boots and is OK on the LCD : I commented everything that deals with "hdmi_" on the config file but when I try to run a game it goes on the HDMI everytime, did I miss something?
have you got the hdmi connected at the same time as the lcd.....

Re: How To force composite output everywhere ?

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 3:03 am
by Al3x360
Hello, no I just have the "AV1 output" connected to "TV" out from RPi 0 . i'll check again my config file but i think the file is ok . i dont know what is wrong

Re: How To force composite output everywhere ?

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:40 am
by Al3x360
Hey ! i've found my problem ! you have to modify another file too

here is my workflow :

1] i connected the Rpi 0 W on my router using SSID + KEY of my wifi network

2] i went into the settings menu to sse my IP and NETBIOS Name : it was "RECALBOX"

3] using windows and CMD command prompt, i typed "ping RECALBOX" to get the IP , as the IP was set in IPV6 ... so i was not able to retrive the IP then the ping command send me the IP in IPV4 format

4] I connected to the PI 0 using KiTTY ( or PuTTY, its the same) using the ssh connection mode (port #22) and the previous IP address

5] when prompted to log in ( "login as ") i typed "root", and the password "recallboxroot", then i saw a "#" on the begining of the line

6] Once Connected : i typed this command to re-mount the boot partition in RW, so i'm able to save the file " mount -o remount, rw /boot" then hit enter

7] I typed "nano /boot/config.txt" to open the nano text editor to check my config file . it was all ok (press crtl+X to exit )

8] I typed "nano /recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf" to edit the file . near the "H" section, I changed the global.videomode=HDMI_xxxxx to "global.videomode=default" to allow all games to run on Composite screen . then CTRL+O to save the file then CTRL+X to exit nano .

9] i typed "reboot" to restart the Pi0 then i was able to run games on my composite screen

now my problem is solved, then i shared my solution :)

Have a Nice day folks !

Re: [SOLVED] How To force composite output everywhere ?

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2017 7:20 am
by YaYa
Thanks for sharing this and for the topic name change to solved.
Great to hear that you succeeded !