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Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 11:59 pm
by NuclearCassette
I'm Jack, and I'm a younger guy. I really like retro games ever since my brother taught me about emulation many years ago when I was just a little tiny boy. I now have a big nintendo collection, and a Ms. Pac Man machine that my dad found on the side of the road that we revived from some brutal fire damage. I love repairing old things, and I've repaired all sorts of old tech. I also love indie games, and I hope to become a indie game developer as a main job one day. Not one of those cheapy mobile developers, but a real full game maker.

Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:43 am
by DestinyIntwined
Sup homies, my name be Destiny. Yeah time to start talking like that, anyway, I'm a high school student and I don't do much in technology besides play it. I'd like to do some projects of my own, when I have the money and when I have the time. Honestly at one point I kinda want to combine my PlayStation 2 and 3ds together, because that would be cool, at least to me it would be.

Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 10:57 am
by Pitch
Hi I'm Pitch
I joined the forum after seeing Wermy's Youtube videos and eventually decided to build my own Gameboy Zero.
I am an Engineer currently training in Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation. I have been interested in electronic since Iv'e been young and have built a few small projects myself, however something I have next to no experience with is software and programming. It's something i have wanted to learn about for a while but haven't gotten round to it, however i am changing that this year by taking some PLC programming courses with my training. I would also like to dive into the world of Raspberry Pi and the one project that caught my eye is the Gameboy Zero, so I'm currently putting together a parts list to build my own.
See you round the forums

Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 4:26 pm
by ryongis
Howdy! I'm Ryoma!
I found the forums while I was looking for cool Pi0 projects on Google when I stumbled upon Wermy's GBZ build on YouTube!
I'm mostly a software guy-- I really love playing video games and making them. (I want to make cool things that inspire people for a living!)
However, I thought it would be cool to toy with hardware, as I have some bare-bones experience, and so I hopped onto the MintyPi bandwagon as soon as I could. Oh yeah! I'm currently working on my own spearmint MintyPi, which I'll get around to posting once I have all the materials. It's really cool to see such a passionate community working on such cool things, and I'm happy to now be a part of it!!!! :D


Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:22 pm
by fablespirt
Hello, I'm Scott an Aircraft structural mechanic in the Navy. I'm hoping to build a GBZ or Mintypi for my B-day. Found my DMG from when I was a kid and think I can pull it off. Software wise is another story and I hope I don't mess up to bad. I took a software programing class in high school but that was about 15 years ago and have forgotten a lot over the years. Use to work with a Linux shell but again really can't remember too much about. glad someone started this forum cause I probably would have messed up and wasted money on something unusable. Put homebrew on my Wii and use to run emulators back in the days of LimeWire. But would love a handheld to play games from my childhood. Thank you community!


Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:25 pm
by Vonsilver
Hi guys.

Swedish guy here, have always taken things apart trying to figure out how they work. I work as a stove and fridge repairman. Now i finally have a little more time for this hobby. Saw the Gbz videos on youtube, as many others, and was hooked. At this time i got Retropie connected to my tv. Next stage is to build a portable unit. Previously ive replaced screens in gba and Done backlight mods etc. Really looking forward to all the fun projects coming up ahead.

Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:13 am
by kana45
Hello all. It is nice to meet you all in this forum.

Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:58 pm
by Majeye
Greetings everyone!

My name is Teejay, but I go by the online persona name "Majeye". I'm 37, married, no kids, don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs of any kind (even over the counter types). I'm a self-taught software developer going to school because the industry says I need to have a piece of paper to say I know what I'm talking about. Thankfully, the difference of not having the piece of paper and having the piece of paper? I can actually call myself a software engineer. (ha!) Currently seeking my next professional role in life, which is why I created this:, I also have a github, though I haven't contributed to it much lately, school takes up most of my time now.

I do plan on moving on to my Master's and finally on to the Doctorate. (I'm a bit of a smarty-pants, as my wife says) I love taking on new projects, even if I know it's going to cost me - my wife doesn't tend to like the costly projects to much though.

I am an avid video gamer and tend to play any game I get my hands on, play a game? Toss me your IGN because chances are, I play it.

Battlenet Games: Majeye#11582
League of Legends: Majeye
Steam: Majeye

I try to code cool things in my spare time also, I have a codepen profile set up for all the front-end related coding things:, I have also coded bots for Discord (and willing to help with Sudomod Discord if needed!), including a music bot, a server logs bot, a random trivia bot, etc.

I am also a moderator and a core administrator for FreeCodeCamp, a website that teaches people how to code for free (yes, 100% free), I also moderate their sub-reddit. So, if you're out there, looking to become a full-stack developer, give FreeCodeCamp a shot! (shameless plug)

Anywho, I feel like this is getting quite long for an intro, so if you see me on Discord or the forums, feel free to say hello! Also, I'm getting started on my first sudomod (mintypi) project, which can be tracked in my signature below. :)



Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:20 am
by tekonnu
Hello all forum members. It is nice to meet you.

Re: New members, introduce yourself!

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 5:18 pm
by RadoGoji
Hello, there. New guy here. Much like others, I came by here after seeing the MintyPi videos and thought that it would be cool to have one for myself. While I have neither the tools nor the talent to make one myself, I do know people who do (namely my dad) who can help me out. So yeah, hopefully I won't look like too much of an idiot around here considering I'm as green as it gets when it comes to hardware mods. :p