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What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 6:24 am
by dirtybeagles
I'll start. It was sometime in 1986 or 87, cannot really remember the dates, and my brother got a Nintendo Entertainment system. I was about 4-5 years old and my brother and I had rooms across from each other on the second floor. The only detail I remember is late at night (that is 8-9PM in the 80's) I would slowely open his door because I heard this music playing from his room that I could not make out. My brother was into hair bands and most of his music was pretty heavy, but this music was catchy, adventurous sounding. I walked into his dark room and saw his little 10 inch tube TV on a table next to his bed. His bed was next to his door so I just stood next to his bed because he was facing the TV on the other side of his bed. I then noticed a little green man with what looked like a sword running around the forest. It was the coolest thing I have ever seen. I would stay there for what seemed like hours and my brother never turned around and I would sneek in his room every night I heard the music. To this day, I have never asked him if he knew I was there but I have a feeling he always knew. :cry:

That is what really started my love for games and I have never stopped being interested sense that day. That is why I am so excited about this build and am thankful for Wermy helping the community. Those memories playing Nintendo, Sega, N64, Gameboy.. etc I will never forget.

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 7:27 am
by wermy
That is an awesome story. :D

Mine is probably my dad showing my brothers and I how to load/run games on the TRS-80 Model 4:

I was too young to remember the instructions, really, so I had to wait for my brothers to play and beg for a turn. :D I remember playing a Lunar Lander type game, a game where you'd catapult clowns up into the air to pop balloons (they'd make a horrible scream sound that I hated if you failed to catch them when they came back down, haha) and Penetrator:

As far as consoles, we were always a generation or two behind. I remember my dad finding a great deal Atari 2600 (because it was way outdated at that point, the NES had already been out for a few years). River Raid was my favorite, and started a lifelong love for shmups:

We also had Pitfall. That one was scary, though. ;)

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 7:50 am
by Kilren
dirtybeagles wrote:To this day, I have never asked him if he knew I was there but I have a feeling he always knew. :cry:
What an awesome brother. My brother and I always fought over whose turn it was.

My first experience is the cliche one. I was around the same age, 4 or 5. The early 90's. I remember my dad bringing home this new box that he spent an hour figuring out how to setup to the tv. He grabbed this strange cartridge and pushed it in, and turned on the tv. It didn't really catch my interest until he pulled out this real cool looking orange gun. Now he had my interest. He continued to shoot ducks for ten minutes on the tv, then looked at me and asked if I wanted to try. Yup. Sure do!

Years later, I learned how that orange gun worked and how the tv could see it yet it still has a wonder and fasination in that little boy's head. Of course, we finally played Super Mario Bros also, and that was a staple along with so many other great NES games. And... It eventually collected dust when we got the new SNES and played Donkey Kong Country... Stupid Rhino. Still, I can remember that day so vividly. I can even tell you what the house smelt like (my mom was making pancakes).

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Tue May 31, 2016 4:58 am
by marcushg
I'm 10 years younger than my brother, so my first videogame memories come from my brothers influence in mid 80's. When i was something like 3-4 years old they gave me a ZX spectrum and tried to "hack" it... which ended with a spliced keyboard and those rubber keys all over the place... Then the cassette games turned to be just weird sounds in a walkman which is still a mystery to me.
I also remember playing with one of those pong machines that plugged into tv with two dials....
Then we got our first PC (amstrad PC1512), the first real thing. My brother brought some arcade game conversions in some floppy disks: frogger, donkey kong, qbert, gryzor (contra), etc... The thing is that i used to go with my brother to the arcades.... and saw this thing about putting some coins to play. I think after all these years those are still the games i enjoy most.
So... i ruined two times the floppy disk at home by putting some coins stolen from my parents just to try if i was able to play donkey kong for a little more... :D Guess the laughs at the tech service...
After some years, gameboy came out! and my father, that was travelling a lot bought one in Germany as he saw it there and thought that would be kinda nice present... I think no other device has been that successful for the whole family! So that's where we link to this project! getting a gameboy updated! Thanks for your sharing and thanks for giving space for me to share! Have a nice week!

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:39 am
by Jennifercjohnson
Pong, asteroids and combat. Ah the good old days. ;)

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:46 am
by Camble
Bobby Bearing on the Spectrum. Oh, and the Dizzy games!

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 3:42 am
by iSP
For me it was this game in I think 1990; (Grand Prix Circuit) on an IBM 386 with Tandy colours.

My father bought the PC for cad work but that didn't really work out (he was helpless with computers and still is to this day) and all he did was use it for spreadsheets and he had some modem to buy and sell on the national plant auction in Boskoop (NL). Back in the day this was quite impressive and it ment he didn't have to drive 200km and leave his company for several hours, so it was well worth it despite the huge outer region fees. He just send someone to inspect the plants.

Anyways he was helpless with it and at some point he must have been bored to hell with it since magically one day this game was installed on the 20MB(!) hard disk. So we had some fun with that game a lot =). A few years later I got this PC, I think it was 1992, and we were the first ones in my class to have a PC at home, let alone I had one in my own bedroom! If you were really lucky you had a NES back in this day and boy I had a 386!... still... wished it was colour but in 1994 I got my dads 486 with Windows 3.11, at least he was less helpless with windows.

It was 1995 when I got my gameboy... it was summer (I think I got it for my birthday but a bit prior?) and I got a red one! I looked up and GameFaq says it was released in 1996 but I'm quite sure it was 1995 when I got it, there weren't any ads yet on the tv or in the magazines as those came a few months later. Probably some really early import. Remember my dad asking what colour I liked better and told him red like those flowers he bought (roses, tulips etc). He looked quite surprised I didn't say blue, or at least I think he thought blue as most boys loved blue better.

Well I never had the NES/SNES but my younger brother had one of each and we had to share and "play nice"... yeah he was so nice to me he destroyed most of my toys including my gameboy... was furious with him! Also he stupidly traded a lot of my games at school for other ones, only found out long after the fact but at this time I had no way of playing them anymore. A few years later my mother somehow got me a 2nd hand silver Gameboy Pocket (the gameboy Colour had been long released by then) but I really had no interest anymore by then. Still got this gameboy pocket to this day and only a handful of my games we found when converting my younger brothers old room to a new office space as the living room got bigger by knocking some walls down.

My first GBZ will probably be red for obvious reasons.

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:37 am
by WilliamHowell
iSP wrote:For me it was this game in I think 1990; (Grand Prix Circuit) on an IBM 386 with Tandy colours.

My father bought the PC for cad work but that didn't really work out (he was helpless with computers and still is to this day) and all he did was use it for spreadsheets and he had some modem to buy and sell on the national plant auction in Boskoop (NL). Back in the day this was quite impressive and it ment he didn't have to drive 200km and leave his company for several hours, so it was well worth it despite the huge outer region fees. He just send someone to inspect the plants.

Anyways he was helpless with it and at some point he must have been bored to hell with it since magically one day this game was installed on the 20MB(!) hard disk. So we had some fun with that game a lot =). A few years later I got this PC, I think it was 1992, and we were the first ones in my class to have a PC at home, let alone I had one in my own bedroom! If you were really lucky you had a NES back in this day and boy I had a 386!... still... wished it was colour but in 1994 I got my dads 486 with Windows 3.11, at least he was less helpless with windows.

It was 1995 when I got my gameboy... it was summer (I think I got it for my birthday but a bit prior?) and I got a red one! I looked up and GameFaq says it was released in 1996 but I'm quite sure it was 1995 when I got it, there weren't any ads yet on the tv or in the magazines as those came a few months later. Probably some really early import. Remember my dad asking what colour I liked better and told him
find free slots no deposit in uk here red like those flowers he bought (roses, tulips etc). He looked quite surprised I didn't say blue, or at least I think he thought blue as most boys loved blue better.

Well I never had the NES/SNES but my younger brother had one of each and we had to share and "play nice"... yeah he was so nice to me he destroyed most of my toys including my gameboy... was furious with him! Also he stupidly traded a lot of my games at school for other ones, only found out long after the fact but at this time I had no way of playing them anymore. A few years later my mother somehow got me a 2nd hand silver Gameboy Pocket (the gameboy Colour had been long released by then) but I really had no interest anymore by then. Still got this gameboy pocket to this day and only a handful of my games we found when converting my younger brothers old room to a new office space as the living room got bigger by knocking some walls down.

My first GBZ will probably be red for obvious reasons.
Great story!

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:36 am
by msykos
You guys are young pups, I can remember back in the early 70's playing lunar lander on a computer at my dad's work, had to load it from a floppy disk and playing the original pong in a bowling ally around 73. They only had pong and air hockey to play back then.

Re: What is your first video game memory?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:10 am
by Ganreizu
Pokemon Red on the GBP was my first game. I can probably remember watching my older cousin play games on SNES or N64 but that was MY first game.

Must have taken me an hour to figure out how to leave the house...Didn't really notice the carpet in front of the door lol.