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OpenGL on Circuit Sword

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 4:49 pm
by Dukana
I know this is incredibly dumb, but I want to run the Mesa 3D Open GL drivers on my Circuit Sword. The issue is with the line in config.txt


With this enabled, the screen doesn't work. If I comment it out, it boots fine. With it enabled, I can SSH in to the device, so I know it's running, but not displaying properly.

Please help!

Re: OpenGL on Circuit Sword

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 2:06 am
by kite
I've never done this before, however quick googling shows similar issues when doing with HDMI (did you try HDMI too?).

From a github issue it appears they fixed something in the 'stretch' image (which the current available image for CSO is not). In the coming weeks I will be making a stretch image so it would be a good idea to test then :) if you can get it working on a regular pi3, please detail the steps and i'll see if there's anything that I need to do. The CSO drives the LCD directly via special config, hopefully the opengl stuff doesn't ignore that..

Re: OpenGL on Circuit Sword

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 3:33 pm
by jamisnemo
I'm waiting for the last bits to complete my build but I am also heavily interested in running OpenGL ES on the Circuit Sword. It would be great to know more about what the current limitation is.

The standard rasp-config tool allows you to enable OpenGL ES on standard Raspbian pretty easily. There are OpenGL ES examples are somewhere under /opt that should compile okay pretty much out of the box as well.

Re: OpenGL on Circuit Sword

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:09 pm
by EriolGaurhoth
Not sure what the status on this is, but I haven't been able to get the OpenGL drivers to work, either the real or "fake" versions to run using Kite's latest image. The real drivers just give me a black screen, whereas the fake driver boots to command line but won't run emulationstation. Just thought I'd chime in as someone else who made the attempt.