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Can I remove extra Pi connectors after soldering to Circuit Gem?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:37 am
by chrisfried
I'm new to this, it didn't occur to me that I could desolder the extra USB/HDMI connectors from the Pi Zero to thin it down.

As I've already soldered the Pi to the Circuit Gem, can I... Cut them off? Am I just stuck with them on this build?

Re: Can I remove extra Pi connectors after soldering to Circuit Gem?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:28 pm
by smoscar01
Don't try to desolder them while on the GEM, you need a heat gun to do so and that might mess up some other components.

Cutting them off with a new pair of pliers (or a really sharp pair) and then desoldering the remaining parts with a soldering iron could be an option though.

Edit: By the way, unless you want to add L/R buttons or a bigger battery, it's no big deal if you leave the ports on the PI.
If you do, I'd recommend to do this modification to the case to give enough room to the HDMI port
Case modShow