Main Page
Game Boy Zero - Everything you need to know about wermy's GBZ Project
Game Boy Zero with Custom Parts - The GBZ with custom parts
MintyPi V2 - Raspberry Pi Zero W-powered gaming in an Altoids tin
MintyPi V3 - Version 3 of the MintyPi project
MintyPi V3 Common Problems and Fixes - Things that come up quite often can be found here
mintyPi FAQ - Common questions about the mintyPi project answered.
3.5mm Audio Jack - how the 3.5mm Audio Jack works
Microcontroller Boards - a List of Microcontroller Boards for USB HID
Soldering Guide - A soldering guide made by abrugsch
PSA: Battery Safety - Safety guide about handling batteries - you SHOULD read this if it's your first time handling batteries
MintyPi: Transferring ROMs - How to transfer ROMs to the MintyPi V3
Online Shops - links to online shops, where you can buy tools, parts and other stuff for your projects